Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Charge

Faculty Senate Resolution #24-33, May 2024

  1. Name: Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  2. Membership:
    12 elected faculty members.
    Ex-officio member (with vote): the Chancellor or appointed representative, the Associate Provost for Equity and Diversity or appointed representative, the Vice Chancellor for Student Life or appointed representative, the Executive Director of the Office for Faculty Excellence or appointed representative, the Chair of the Faculty, one faculty senator selected by the Chair of the Faculty, and one student member from the Student Government Association.
  3. Quorum: 7 elected members exclusive of ex-officio.
  4. Committee Responsibilities:
    1. The committee reviews and recommends policies and procedures to promote diversity, equity and inclusion within the University.
    2. The committee promotes and works to enhance the effectiveness of existing diversity, equity and inclusion policies and programs.
    3. The committee works with the Office for Faculty Excellence to identify and develop appropriate professional development opportunities related to diversity, equity and inclusion.
    4. The committee works with other Faculty Senate Committees to incorporate diversity, equity and inclusion principles and practices in all areas of Shared Governance.
    5. The committee utilizes institutional faculty diversity data from the ECU IPAR dashboard or similar data sets available to ECU faculty to identify trends and progress and presents a report on faculty diversity to Faculty Senate regularly, including one annual report.
  5. To Whom the Committee Reports: The committee makes its recommendations to the Faculty Senate.
  6. How Often the Committee Reports: The committee reports to the Faculty Senate each year at the organizational meeting and at other times as necessary.
  7. Power Of the Committee To Act Without Faculty Senate Approval: None
  8. Standard Meeting Time: The committee will meet one Tuesday each month.