Educational Policies and Planning Committee Charge

Faculty Senate Resolution #22-42, May 2022

  1. Name: Educational Policies and Planning Committee
  2. Membership: 8 elected tenured faculty members.
    Ex-officio members (with vote): The Chancellor or an appointed representative; the Provost or an appointed representative; the Associate Provost for Institutional Planning, Assessment and Research or an appointed representative; the Dean of the Graduate School or an appointed representative; the Chair of the Faculty or an appointed representative; one faculty senator selected by the Chair of the Faculty; and one student member from the Student Government Association.
    The Chair of the Faculty should, to the extent possible, ensure faculty representation from both east and west campuses. The chair of the committee may invite resource persons as necessary to realize the committee charge. The chair of the committee may appoint such subcommittees as he or she deems necessary.
  3. Quorum: 4 elected members exclusive of ex-officio.
  4. Committee Responsibilities:
    1. The committee considers the adequacy, balance, and excellence of all of the University’s undergraduate and graduate programs relative to accepted academic standards. This consideration shall cover the undergraduate and graduate programs as problems or concerns arise.
    2. The committee advises the Chancellor on the educational policies and organizations, goals, standards, and procedures of the University following such consideration, as outlined in Section 4.A., or as requested otherwise by the Chancellor or the Faculty Senate.
    3. The committee reviews information concerning proposals for all new curricula, programs, and academic policies, or for revisions in all existing policies, prior to the implementation of such proposals in the long-range planning of academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, the various professional schools, the Graduate School, and the Division of Continuing Studies. The Committee uses information regarding university academic standards and resources as the basis for its reviews. The committee reviews Seven Year Unit Program Evaluations (ECU Faculty Manual, Part IV (PDF), Section III) and unit responses to same, and provides written reports to the unit reviewed and Office of Academic Programs.
    4. The committee acts upon requests for permission to plan and establish all new degree programs and requests for permission to establish new minors. The committee shall use information regarding university academic standards and resources as the basis for its review.
    5. The committee advises the Chancellor of action to be taken if the University experiences financial exigency, or in the event that a major curtailment of an existing teaching, research, or public service program is considered (ECU Faculty Manual, Part IX (PDF), Section I. Tenure and Promotion Policies and Procedures).
    6. The Committee reviews at least annually those sections within the University Undergraduate Catalog and University Graduate Catalog that correspond to the Committee’s charge and recommends changes as necessary.
    7. The chair or appointed representative serves as ex-officio member on the University Online Quality Council.
  5. To Whom The Committee Reports: The committee advises the Chancellor through their report to the Faculty Senate as described in 4.B. above. The committee reports to the Faculty Senate concerning requests it has received from the Chancellor. The committee reports to the Faculty Senate the action it has taken on requests for permission to plan and establish new degree programs and requests for permission to establish new minors.
  6. How Often The Committee Reports: The committee reports to the Faculty Senate at least once a year and at other times as necessary.
  7. Power Of The Committee To Act Without Faculty Senate Approval: The committee is empowered to advise the Chancellor as described in 4.B above.
  8. Standard Meeting Time: The committee meeting time is scheduled for the second Friday of each month.