Guidelines for Preparing a Cumulative Evaluation

Required by the East Carolina University Faculty Manual Part X.I.II.A. Personnel Action Dossier (PAD) for Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion

For Promotion and Tenure Recommendations

For Promotion and Tenure Recommendations
In accordance with provisions contained in Part X. Section I(B)(2) of the ECU Faculty Manual, the Personnel Action Dossier (“PAD”) of a candidate for tenure will include, “One cumulative evaluation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit Tenure Committee. A draft of this cumulative evaluation, to be completed after the candidate turns in the PAD, should be available for discussion by the entire Tenure committee before the vote. (Faculty Senate Resolution #08-27, May 2008).” In addition, the candidate’s PAD will include, “A cumulative evaluation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit administrator.”

In accordance with the provisions contained in Part X. Section I(B)(3) of the East Carolina University Faculty Manual, the PAD of a candidate for promotion will similarly include, “One cumulative evaluation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit Promotion Committee. A draft of this cumulative evaluation, to be completed after the candidate turns in the PAD, should be available for discussion by the entire Promotion committee before the vote. (Faculty Senate Resolution #08-27, May 2008).” Further, the candidate for promotion’s PAD will include, “A cumulative evaluation in narrative form of the candidate’s teaching, research, service, and any other relevant duties, prepared by the unit administrator.”

These guidelines, with some examples noted below, are intended as a tool to assist unit committees and unit administrators in preparing Cumulative Evaluations. These are guidelines only; the Cumulative Evaluations prepared by the Tenure/Promotion Committees and the unit administrator must be consistent with criteria and provisions stated in the approved Unit Code and consistent with the assigned responsibilities of the candidate.

Similar to the annual progress toward tenure letters, the Cumulative Evaluation should be objective, summarizing the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in teaching, research/creative activity, service, and patient care and related clinical activity (if appropriate).


Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in teaching. Determine how the candidate has either maintained or improved the quality of instruction. Areas to consider may include:

  • A statement of the unit’s expectations for teaching as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has met, failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;
  • A discussion of the quality of the candidate’s contributions in teaching, using approved methods of evaluating teaching performance;
  • An evaluation of the candidate’s teaching contributions relative to the unit’s needs;
  • A description of noteworthy accomplishments of students for whom the candidate has been advisor;
  • A discussion of the candidate’s involvement in curriculum development, including role in the design and implementation of new or revised courses, development of new teaching methods or materials, creation of new academic programs.

Research/Creative Activity

Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in research and creative activity. Areas to consider may include:

  • A statement of the unit’s expectations for research as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has met, failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;
  • An evaluation of the candidate’s contributions in research and creative activity relative to the unit’s needs, including a discussion of the research/scholarship career thrust, strategy and emphases of the candidate;
  • A statement evaluating the current national and international standing of the candidate in the discipline.


Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in service. Areas to consider may include:

  • A statement of the unit’s expectations for service as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has met, failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;
  • An evaluation of the candidate’s contributions in service relative to the unit’s needs, including significance and external recognition of the candidate’s service activities and assumption of leadership roles.

Patient Care and Related Clinical Activity (as appropriate)

Provide an evaluation in the form of a narrative summary of the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses in patient care and related clinical activity. Areas to consider may include:

  • A statement of the unit’s expectations for patient care and clinical activity as contained in the Unit Code, as well as a description of how the candidate has met, failed to meet, or exceeded these expectations, including supporting examples;
  • An evaluation of the candidate’s contributions in patient care and clinical activity relative to the unit’s needs, including significance and impact of clinical services not otherwise available in the region.

Procedures for Cumulative Evaluations

After the candidate’s PAD is provided to the Unit Committee (Tenure or Promotion, as appropriate), one draft Cumulative Evaluation will be prepared by the Committee. The Tenure/Promotion Committee may designate one or more of its members to prepare the draft for consideration by the entire Committee’s membership. All materials pertaining to the pending personnel action must be available for inspection at least five business days prior to the Committee meeting. The appropriate Committee (Tenure or Promotion) will discuss all materials presented, decide on the final contents of the Cumulative Evaluation, conduct the required secret ballot vote, and compile the results of the vote.

The Tenure/Promotion Committee shall forward the candidate’s complete PAD, Committee’s recommendation, and its Cumulative Evaluation to the unit administrator. The Committee will also forward a copy of its recommendation and its Cumulative Evaluation to the candidate, with a statement that the candidate has seven working days from the date of the letter to include a response to the Committee’s Cumulative Evaluation. If the candidate disagrees with the contents of the Cumulative Evaluation, it is the responsibility of the candidate to make this disagreement known in writing, addressed to the Chair of the Tenure/Promotion Committee (as appropriate), for inclusion in the candidate’s personnel file and the PAD. Copies of this written response will be provided by the candidate’s to the unit administrator to be placed in the candidate’s personnel file.

After receiving the candidate’s PAD, the Committee’s recommendation and Cumulative Evaluation, and, if appropriate, the candidate’s written response, the unit administrator will write their own Cumulative Evaluation. The unit administrator will forward the complete PAD, their own Cumulative Evaluation and their recommendation to the next administrative level.

The unit administrator will also forward a copy of their Cumulative Evaluation and their recommendation to the candidate, with a statement that the candidate has seven working days from the date of the letter to include a written response to the unit administrator’s Cumulative Evaluation. The unit administrator will also send a copy of their recommendation and Cumulative Evaluation to the Tenure/Promotion Committee. If the candidate disagrees with the contents of the unit administrator’s Cumulative Evaluation, it is the responsibility of the candidate to make this disagreement known in writing addressed to the next-level administrator, with a copy to the appropriate Committee and the unit administrator. Copies of this written response will be placed in the candidate’s personnel file by the unit administrator.

Faculty Senate Resolution #08-41

Approved by the Faculty Senate: October 7, 2008

Approved by the Chancellor: November 3, 2008

Editorially revised to reflect new manual section: October 28, 2014

Editorially revised to correspond with timing detailed in Part IX, Section I: November 16, 2018

Editorially revised to correspond with revisions to Part IX and X: December 20, 2024