Index of ECU Faculty Manual Interpretations

Interpretation of the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D. Tenure and Promotion Policies and Procedures, Section IV.C. External Peer Review for Promotion and the Conferral of Permanent Tenure to read as follows:

“Faculty candidates for promotion and/or tenure consideration during 2011-2012 and members of their respective unit Tenure Committees are selecting external peer reviewers at this time. The purpose of this interpretation is to provide clarity on the current provisions stated in the ECU Faculty Manual, Appendix D. Tenure and Promotion Policies and Procedures, Section IV.C. External Peer Review for Promotion and the Conferral of Permanent Tenure as follows:

‘By the last week of March of the Spring term prior to the academic year in which a promotion or tenure decision is scheduled, the unit Tenure Committee shall produce a list of possible external reviewers. The candidate for promotion and/or permanent tenure shall provide a similar list, noting for each name the professional relationship, if any, between the reviewer and the candidate. The candidate shall also provide similar relationship information for each name on the unit Tenure Committee’s list. These two lists must be independently compiled and if the two lists contain a common set of prospective external reviewers, the unit Tenure Committee list shall be revisited and new possible external reviewers shall be identified as replacement for those originally on both lists.’

The statement (included in italicized text above) indicates that prospective external reviewers appearing on the two independently compiled lists cannot serve and that new reviewers must be identified to replace those reviewers originally on both the candidate’s list and the committee’s list. This provision was NOT intended to prevent a unit Tenure Committee from selecting an external peer reviewer who was also suggested by the faculty candidate.”

The Faculty Governance Committee will review these regulations in their entirety and propose to the Faculty Senate revisions to Appendix D in Fall 2011. Until revisions are approved, the Faculty Governance Committee is asking the Faculty Senate and Chancellor to approve this interpretation as formal notification that an individual suggested by both the faculty candidate for promotion and/or tenure and the unit’s Tenure Committee may be selected to serve as an approved external peer reviewer.”