Part III, Section II: The Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina

Updated: February 27, 2012

The University of North Carolina Faculty Assembly was formed in 1972 when all of the State’s public senior institutions were brought into the University of North Carolina. The Charter of the University of North Carolina Faculty Assembly (PDF) gives the objectives for the body:

  1. The Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina shall gather and exchange information on behalf of the faculties of the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina.
  2. The Assembly shall, through appropriate channels, advise the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina, the General Assembly, and other governmental agencies and officers on matters of university-wide importance.
  3. The Assembly shall advise and communicate with the President of the University of North Carolina with regard to the interests of the faculties and other matters of university-wide importance.

Each of the seventeen campuses of the University of North Carolina elects delegates to the Faculty Assembly according to guidelines on delegation size and composition given in the Charter. The Bylaws of the Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina (PDF) establish the procedures by which the Faculty Assembly operates and conducts its business.