Part XI, Section III: Institutional Services Available to Faculty

Updated: February 27, 2012


I. Information and Computer Services

Information Technology and Computing Services (ITCS) supports employees through the integration of information, technology, and instruction.
(FS Resolution #10-16, February 2010)

II. Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements

ECU’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has responsibility for pre-award activities involved in the preparation and submission of proposals on behalf of ECU to external sponsors for support of projects in research, creative activity, training, and public service. OSP must review and approve all proposals for grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements prepared by faculty for submission to outside funding sources before submission to external sponsors.

The Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) is the University Office responsible for post-award activities related to projects that have been awarded by external sponsors to ECU faculty that support projects/programs in research, creative activity, training, and public service/clinical care. OGC is responsible for ensuring that expenditures are in accordance with sponsor and institutional guidelines. OGC also assists investigators in preparing information for sponsor required financial reporting. (FS Resolution #12-07, February 2012)

III. Tuition Privileges for Faculty

In accordance with North Carolina General Statute, East Carolina University faculty are eligible to take classes at a reduced cost. See the Educational Assistance page on the Department for People Operations, Success, and Opportunity site for more information.
(FS Resolution #10-95, December 2010)