Part X, Section II: Schedule for Personnel Actions

Updated: September 30, 2024


  1. Annual Workplan and Annual Evaluation Timeline
  2. Subsequent Appointment and Advancement in Title of Fixed-Term Faculty Members Timelines
  3. Progress Toward Tenure Letters, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion Timelines
  4. Post-Tenure Review Timeline

1. Annual Workplan and Annual Evaluation Timeline

The timelines designated in these schedules are the normal review cycles for the stated personnel actions. The Provost (or designee) may approve an adjustment to these timelines when compelling circumstances, as determined by the Provost (or designee), justify a temporary revision.

The Provost Office will conduct review of workplans and annual evaluations during the summer. If edits are suggested by the Provost Office, they will be discussed with appropriate parties at the beginning of the next academic year.

Although not required, it is recommended that the faculty member and the unit administrator check with each other for progress of workplan throughout the academic year.

Units may set internal deadlines, no later than the deadlines specified here.

In the event that a deadline falls on a weekend or university holiday, items shall be due on the next business day.

Workplan and Annual Evaluation Timeline

Action9 Month Faculty Deadline12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime Allotted for Decision
Unit Administrator informs faculty of workplan and annual evaluation deadlinesJanuary 10May 14
Faculty submit drafts of workplan and annual report to unit administratorApril 1May 28
Faculty and unit administrator meet to discuss workplan and annual evaluation in draft form.April 20June 13At least 2 weeks
Unit administrator submits final workplan and annual evaluation to facultyApril 26June 15At least 2 days
Workplan and annual evaluation to DeanMay 8June 30At least 1 week
Workplan and annual evaluation to ProvostMay 30July 15At least 2 weeks

2. Subsequent Appointment and Advancement in Title of Fixed-Term Faculty Members Timelines

The timelines designated in these schedules are the normal review cycles for the stated personnel actions. The Chancellor (or designee) may approve an adjustment to these timelines when compelling circumstances, as determined by the Chancellor (or designee), justify a temporary revision.

Subsequent Appointment Timeline – Spring of Decision Year

Action9 and 12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime Allotted for Decision
Fixed-term faculty members request consideration of a subsequent appointment and submit portfolio required by unit codeNo later than 75 calendar days before term expires
Committee and unit administrator notify fixed-term faculty member in writing of subsequent appointment recommendationNo later than 45 days before term expires30 days

Advancement in Title Timeline – Fall and Spring of Decision Year

The faculty candidate will be notified of the recommendation or decision, as appropriate, in writing within one week at each decision point.

Action9 and 12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime Allotted for Decision
Faculty member makes a request to the unit administrator to begin the process of consideration for advancement in title1st Tuesday in December
Unit administrator informs committee of upcoming need for a meeting2nd Tuesday in January
Faculty member meets with unit administrator to verify that all required documents are in Portfolio (optional but recommended)2nd Tuesday in January
Faculty member turns in Portfolio to unit administrator3rd Tuesday in January
Unit administrators make the Portfolio available to committee3rd Tuesday in January
Committee recommendation/Portfolio to unit administrator1st Tuesday in FebruaryAt least 2 weeks
Unit administrator recommendation/Portfolio to Dean. (For Brody School of Medicine, decision of Dean is final)3rd Tuesday in February1 week
Dean recommendation to Provost1st Tuesday in March2 weeks
Provost decision3rd Tuesday in March2 weeks

3. Progress Toward Tenure, Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Timelines

The Timelines designated in these schedules are the normal review cycles for the stated personnel actions. The Chancellor (or designee) may approve an adjustment to these timelines when compelling circumstances, as determined by the Chancellor (or designee), justify a temporary revision.

For Promotion and Tenure consideration, the Chancellor (or designee) will adjust the schedule for notifications to faculty candidates when required by unforeseen circumstances, such as a change in the Board of Trustees meeting date normally held in the spring of the academic year.

Progress Towards Tenure (PTT) Letters – Required all years except the year prior to the year in which a faculty member’s mandatory tenure decision is considered

The Provost Office will conduct review of Progress Toward Tenure Letters during the summer. If edits are suggested by Provost Office, they will be discussed with appropriate parties at the beginning of the next academic year.

In the event that a deadline falls on a weekend or university holiday, items shall be due on the next business day.

Action9 Month Faculty Deadline12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime allotted for Decision
Unit administrator provides the Tenure Committee with the candidate’s current annual report, copies of the candidate’s previous and current workplans and annual evaluations, success plans if any, and previous progress toward tenure letters, and a draft of the new Progress Toward Tenure letter written by the unit administrator3rd Friday in April1st Tuesday in June
Tenure Committee meets with the unit administrator to review the cumulative record of a candidate’s progress and finalize the Progress Toward Tenure letter4th Friday in April2nd Tuesday in June1 week
Delivery of PTT letter and meeting that includes the faculty member, representative of the Tenure Committee and unit administrator to discuss the letter, with subsequent delivery of PTT letter to DeanMay 7thJune 23rd
Letter sent to higher administrationMay 15thJune 30th

Reappointment of Probationary-Term Faculty Members Timeline

The faculty candidate will be notified of the recommendation or decision, as appropriate, in writing within one week at each decision point.

Action9 Month Faculty Deadline12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime Allotted for Decision
Unit administrator informs committee of upcoming need for meeting2nd Tuesday in January3rd Tuesday in February
Faculty member meets with unit administrator to verify that all required documents are in PAD (optional but recommended)2nd Tuesday in January3rd Tuesday in February3 weeks
PAD due to Tenure Committee for reappointment decision3rd Tuesday in January4th Tuesday in February3 weeks
Committee recommendation to unit administrator2nd Tuesday in February3rd Tuesday in March3 weeks
Unit administrator recommendation to Dean (if applicable)1st Tuesday in March2nd Tuesday in April3 weeks
Dean recommendation to ProvostLast Tuesday in March1st Tuesday in May3 weeks
Provost decisionLast Tuesday in April1st Tuesday in June4 weeks

Reappointment of Probationary-Term Faculty Members in 2nd Year of Employment With Credit for Prior Academic Service Timeline

The faculty candidate will be notified of the recommendation or decision, as appropriate, in writing within one week at each decision point.

Action9 Month Faculty Deadline12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime Allotted for Decision
Faculty member meets with unit administrator to verify that all required documents are in PAD (optional but recommended)4th Tuesday in August4th Tuesday in March
PAD due to unit administrator1st Tuesday in September1st Tuesday in April
Unit administrator makes PAD available to Tenure Committee1st Friday in September1st Friday in April
Committee recommendation/PAD to unit administrator1st Tuesday in October1st Tuesday in May4 weeks
Unit administrator recommendation/PAD to Dean (if applicable)3rd Tuesday in October3rd Tuesday in May2 weeks
Dean recommendation/PAD to Provost1st Tuesday in November2nd Tuesday in June2 weeks
Provost decision3rd Tuesday in November3rd Tuesday in June2 weeks

Promotion and Tenure Timeline – Spring before Decision Year

For 12-month Assistant Professor with 1 year of prior academic credit, in the fourth year of appointment, external reviewer list is due to Tenure Committee on the 2nd Tuesday in April; Tenure Committee’s final list of external peer reviewers is due to unit administrator on 4th Tuesday in April; unit administrator will send letters and selected materials to reviewers by the 3rd Thursday in May.

Action9 and 12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime Allotted for Decision
Faculty member makes a request to the unit administrator to begin the process of consideration for promotion or early conferral of permanent tenure1st Friday in February
Faculty member submits a list of potential external reviewers to the tenure committee3rd Friday in February
Tenure Committee submits of a list of external reviewers to the unit administrator and selects materials to be sent to reviewers4th Friday in March
Unit administrator sends letter and materials to confirmed external reviewersLast Friday in April4 weeks

Promotion and Tenure Timeline – Fall and Spring of Decision Academic Year

The faculty candidate will be notified of the recommendation or decision, as appropriate, in writing within one week at each decision point.

Action9 and 12 Month Faculty Deadline
(AA and HS)
Time Allotted for Decision
Unit administrator informs committee of upcoming need for a meeting1st Tuesday in September
External reviewers’ reports due1st Tuesday in September
Faculty member meets with unit administrator to verify that all required documents are in PAD (optional but recommended)1st Tuesday in September
Faculty member tuns in PAD to unit administrator2nd Tuesday in September
Unit administrator makes the PAD available to Committee2nd Friday in September
Committee recommendation/PAD to unit administrator4th Tuesday in October6 weeks
Unit administrator recommendation and PAD to Dean (note: Brody School of Medicine P&T Committee reviews & makes recommendation to BSOM Dean)1st Tuesday in December5 weeks
Dean recommendation/PAD to VCAA or VCHS1st Tuesday in February6 weeks
Provost decision/PAD to Chancellor1st Tuesday in March4 weeks
Chancellor decision3rd Tuesday in March2 weeks
BOT decision (Tenure Only)Spring BOT meetingDate varies each year

4. Post-Tenure Review Timeline

The timelines designated in these schedules are the normal review cycles for the stated personnel actions. The Chancellor (or designee) may approve an adjustment to these timelines when compelling circumstances, as determined by the Chancellor (or designee) justify a temporary revision.

Action9 and 12 Month Faculty DeadlineTime Allotted for Decision
Unit Administrator informs faculty of post-tenure review deadline and Tenure Committee of need to form Peer Review Committee3rd Monday in August
Faculty submit drafts of post tenure review documentation to unit administrator2nd Monday in September3 weeks
Faculty and unit administrator discuss post-tenure review documentation1st Monday in October3 weeks
Faculty member submits post-tenure review documentation to Peer Review Committee3rd Monday in October2 weeks
Committee review to unit administrator3rd Monday in November 4 weeks
Unit Administrator review to Dean2nd Monday in December 3 weeks
Dean review to ProvostFebruary 1st6 weeks

Faculty Senate Resolution #12-68, April 2012
Faculty Senate Resolution #18-23, April 2018
Faculty Senate Resolution #19-57, May 2019
Faculty Senate Resolution #21-25, April 2021
Faculty Senate Resolution #23-63, January 2024
Faculty Senate Resolution #24-55, September 2024