Part III, Section III: East Carolina University Faculty Assembly Delegation
Updated: February 27, 2012A. Composition and Terms of Delegates and Alternates
The procedure by which East Carolina University elects its Faculty Assembly Delegates and Alternate Delegates is contained in Article XII of the Bylaws of the Constitution of the Faculty of East Carolina University. ECU Faculty Assembly Delegates and Alternate Delegates should be full-time faculty, holding no administrative duties outside their departments. Terms are three years, with all regular terms of service beginning on and ending on July 1 of each year. A faculty member may not have served as a Delegate for more than six of the preceding nine years. Time spent while serving as an Alternate Delegate is not counted in the limitation.
B. Attendance of Faculty Assembly Meetings
Faculty Assembly Delegates are expected to attend Faculty Assembly meetings when possible. A Delegate who cannot attend a Faculty Assembly meeting should arrange for an Alternate Delegate to attend in their place. The Delegate should also notify the Chair of the UNC Faculty Assembly of the Alternate’s participation.
Generally, travel expenses for Delegates to participate in Faculty Assembly meetings are reimbursed by the UNC General Administration. Delegates are encouraged to carpool and use state vehicles where possible to minimize costs. Delegates must follow defined rules for travel and, to insure proper and timely reimbursement, are advised to turn in all travel paperwork prior to leaving the meeting.
Alternate Delegates participate in meetings only when/if they are asked to do so in place of a Delegate. Upon arrival to a meeting when attending for a Delegate, Alternate Delegates should notify the Chair of the Assembly and the administrative assistant.
C. Faculty Assembly Report to the East Carolina University Faculty Senate
Elected delegates to the UNC Faculty Assembly serve ex-officio on the ECU Faculty Senate with a vote in all Senate matters except the election of officers and committee members, as specified in the Faculty Constitution and By-Laws located in the ECU Faculty Manual. The Faculty Assembly delegation is responsible for compiling a written report of each Assembly meeting and presenting the report to the Senate. Usually, the elected delegates rotate reporting duties among all present. Minutes of the Assembly meeting may or may not be available prior to scheduled Faculty Senate meeting. As such, delegates should take notes and be prepared to provide a written report in addition to a verbal report to the Faculty Senate.
The Charter of the Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina (pdf)
The Bylaws of the Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina (pdf)
ECU Faculty Manual Part II, Section II – Article XII The Faculty Assembly
ECU Faculty Manual Part II, Section II- Faculty Constitution of East Carolina University
(Faculty Senate Resolution #12-08)