Part VII, Section I: Faculty Research, Creative Activity, Scholarship, Innovation, Engagement, and Outreach

Updated: May 2, 2012

Faculty scholarship includes the scholarship of research, the scholarship of creative activity/innovation, and the scholarship of engagement and/or outreach. Scholarship is a fundamental faculty activity, and faculty have freedom to pursue scholarship on the subjects of their choosing. The quality of the scholarly works that faculty produce should be based on the standards of the profession as determined by the community of scholars with the expertise and training to establish these standards. Part VIII of the East Carolina University Faculty Manual establishes general criteria for the evaluation of scholarship in the appointment and promotion of faculty members and requires that the relative importance of each type of scholarly activity be clearly defined in the unit code. Faculty have the obligation to adhere to the research and scholarship guidelines established by East Carolina University, the federal government, and the community of scholars. This document provides guidelines for research and scholarship established by the ECU faculty and references to research and scholarship policies, rules, and regulations (PRRs) as well as research- and scholarship-related standard operating procedures established by East Carolina University.

Research and scholarship also form a basic part and are integrally linked to the faculty members’ teaching responsibility. Original results of research and scholarship inform faculty members’ interactions with students at all levels. Deeper understanding of research and scholarship is conveyed when faculty develop students so that they may participate in research and scholarly activities. Effective mentoring of students is critical to their transition to independent research and scholarship. While this document focuses on faculty research and scholarship, it also provides references to research and scholarship related PRRs relevant to collaborative scholarly work involving faculty and students. (FS Resolution #12-39, May 2012)