Past Chairs of the Faculty

Chair of the FacultyYears ServedAcademic Unit
James E. Poindexter*1965-1966English
John C. Ellen*1966-1967History
Alton V. Finch*1967-1968Business
Charles L. Price*1968-1969History
John B. Davis*1969-1970Mathematics
Vila M. Rosenfeld*1970-1971Education
James S. McDaniel*1971-1972Biology
Robert M. Woodside*1972-1975Mathematics
Lloyd W. Benjamin*1975-1976Art and Design
Philip J. Adler*1976-1977History
Henry C. Ferrell, Jr.*1977-1979History
Thomas H. Johnson*1979-1982Health & Human Performance
Caroline L. Ayers1982-1983Chemistry
James LeRoy Smith1983-1985Philosophy
Kenneth R. Wilson*1985-1987Sociology
John C. Atkeson1987-1989History
James M. Joyce1989-1991Physics
John C. Moskop1991-1993Medicine
Patricia J. Anderson1993-1995Education
Don R. Sexauer*1995-1998Art and Design
Brenda L. Killingsworth1998-2000Business
Robert C. Morrison2000-2003Chemistry
Frederick D. (Rick) Niswander2003-2004Business
Catherine A. Rigsby2004-2006Geological Sciences
Mark Taggart2006-2008Music
Janice Tovey*2008-2009English
Marianna Walker2009-2012Allied Health Sciences
Mark Sprague2012-2014Physics
Andrew Morehead2014-2015Chemistry
John Stiller2015-2018Biology
Jeff Popke2018-2020Geography, Planning &Environment
Purificación Martínez2020-2022Foreign Languages and Literatures
Anne Ticknor2022-presentEducation


Revised July 2022

Below are the email addresses for the past Chairs of the Faculty as of August 26, 2020.



Rigsby, Catherine –

Left ECU

Moskop, John –

Current Faculty Members