Processes for Unit Elections for Faculty Senate

Default Process

Faculty Senate Resolution #23-77

This is the process used by units that have not developed their own process and submitted it for approval by the Faculty Senate.

Units may solicit nominations of eligible faculty members to fill open Senate or Alternate seats. Nominations may be solicited at a unit meeting or via an email to all voting members of the General Faculty within their unit.The voting members of the General Faculty consists of all permanent employees of East Carolina University holding appointment to a tenured or probationary-term rank or a fixed-term title. Nominations may be collected by the unit head, designee, or a unit group or committee charged to handle the unit’s election. The number of open Senate and Alternate seats for each unit will be communicated to the unit head by the Faculty Senate Office Administrator after apportionment is determined in January. Units may elect as many alternate representatives as they deem necessary, but their total number may not be fewer than their allotment of Faculty Senators.

Upon receiving nominations, the eligibility of the nominees should be confirmed prior to holding the vote. All voting members of the General Faculty in at least their second year of appointment to the electoral unit that they will represent are eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. If the number of nominees exceeds the number of open Senate or Alternate seats, a vote must be taken by secret ballot, using either paper ballots or electronic methods that allow for secret balloting and that are approved for use at East Carolina University (e.g., Qualtrics). If the number of nominees is the same as the number of open seats and nominee eligibility has been confirmed, then the unit may consider the nominees as elected by acclamation. Following the election, the unit will be notified of the outcome, as well as the Faculty Senate Office Administrator.

Brody School of Medicine Process

Faculty Senate Resolution #24-69

General Election process

Nominations are to be solicited via email from the BSOM Deans’ office with a clear deadline date. After the deadline date nominees will be announced via email or at a Faculty meeting (if election occurs near a scheduled meeting). Once nominations have been completed a Qualtrics survey will be sent to those eligible to vote in the particular election with a clear deadline date for the end of the election. Qualtrics survey will be open for a minimum of 3 days before closing. Elections will be conducted in a time frame that allows for positions to be filled with the start of the elected position’s term. Ad- hoc elections will be conducted as needed for any vacancies that arise. Any tie that occurs will warrant a new election.

Faculty Senate election only -Vote on the allowed number of positions for Senator

If the number of nominees is the same as the number of open seats and nominee eligibility has been confirmed, then the nominees will be considered elected by acclamation. If the number of nominees exceeds the number of open Senate seats a vote will be taken by secret ballot using either paper or approved electronic method. Any nominees who are not elected to Senator automatically become alternates. Any nominees wanting to be only an alternate will be accepted as alternates. There is a minimum number of alternates determined by the Faculty Constitution and By-laws but each unit can have more than the minimum as alternates.

College of Business Process

Faculty Senate Resolution #24-84

Elections shall be held in February of each year with members-elect to take office on the day following the last regular meeting of the Faculty Senate in the spring semester. To obtain nominations, each department/school/college shall develop a ballot that lists every eligible member of that department/school/college. Each member of the faculty shall vote by secret ballot for twice as many nominees as that faculty member’s department/school/college is entitled to elect. That group of nominees equal to twice the number of representatives to be elected that receive the largest number of votes shall then be placed on a separate ballot for the election of representatives. To elect representatives each faculty member shall then vote by secret ballot for the number of representatives allotted that electoral unit. Votes shall be counted in accordance with procedures agreed upon by the electoral unit.