University Budget Committee Charge

Faculty Senate Resolution #22-42, May 2022

  1. Name: University Budget Committee
  2. Membership: 7 elected faculty members.
    Ex-officio members (with vote): The Chancellor or an appointed representative; 3 Provost appointed representatives, 1 with academic or administrative expertise in Health Sciences disciplines, 1 with acadmice or administrative expertise in Research, Economic Development and Engagement; the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance or an appointed representative; the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or an appointed representative; the Chair of the Faculty; one faculty senator selected by the Chair of the Faculty; and one student member from the Student Government Association.
    The chair of the committee may invite resource persons as necessary to realize the committee charge. The chair of the committee may appoint such subcommittees as he or she deems necessary.
  3. Quorum: 4 elected members exclusive of ex-officio.
  4. Committee Responsibilities:
    1. The committee serves as a communication link between the Faculty Senate and the Chancellor for budgetary matters. The committee informs the Faculty Senate about changes and proposed changes in the university budget.
    2. The committee receives information and advises the Chancellor regarding budgetary and reallocation decisions.
    3. The committee advises the Chancellor through the Faculty Senate on annual budget priorities and policy, biennial budget requests and priorities, tuition changes, and the relationship of budget decisions to the university’s mission.
    4. One committee representative serves as an ex-officio member on the administrative Tuition and Fees Committee.
  5. To Whom The Committee Reports: The committee advises the Chancellor through their reports to the Faculty Senate concerning its recommendations to the Chancellor.
  6. How Often The Committee Reports: The committee reports to the Faculty Senate at least once a year and at other times as necessary.
  7. Power Of The Committee To Act Without Faculty Senate Approval: The committee is empowered to advise the Chancellor as described in section 4.A.above.
  8. Standard Meeting Time: The committee meets one Thursday each month, with specific days and times to be scheduled so as to avoid conflict with meetings of the ECU Board of Trustees or the UNC Board of Governors.