Writing Across the Curriculum Committee Charge

Faculty Senate Resolution #22-42, May 2022

  1. Name: Writing Across the Curriculum Committee
  2. Membership: 8 elected faculty members with a variety of disciplinary areas and colleges/schools.
    Ex-officio members (with vote): The Chancellor or an appointed representative; 2 Provost appointed representatives, 1 with academic or administrative expertise in Health Sciences disciplines; the Chair of the Faculty; one Faculty Senator selected by the Chair of the Faculty; the Director of the University Writing Program; and one student member from the Student Government Association.
    Ex-officio (without vote): The Director of Composition or an appointed representative.
    The chair of the committee may invite resource persons as necessary to realize the committee charge. The chair of the committee may appoint such subcommittees as he or she deems necessary.
  3. Quorum: 4 elected members exclusive of ex-officio.
  4. Committee Responsibilities:
    1. The committee promotes the University Writing Program and recommends policies and guidelines governing the development and offering of courses and seminars that are officially to be designated as writing-intensive courses.
    2. The committee reviews and approves proposals for writing-intensive courses, makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding proposals carrying the writing intensive designation, and reports those recommendations to the University Curriculum Committee.
    3. The committee periodically reviews existing writing-intensive course offerings and recommends, as appropriate, changes to course writing-intensive status in order to ensure that standards for writing-intensive credit are being met.
    4. The committee reviews the activities of the University Writing Program, advises the administrative leadership in that program, and serves as a liaison between the University Writing Program and the Faculty Senate.
    5. The committee reviews honors seminar proposals for writing intensive credit.
    6. The chair or appointed representative serves as an ex-officio member of the Honors College Faculty Advisory Committee.
  5. To Whom The Committee Reports: The committee reports to the Faculty Senate recommendations of policies, procedures, and criteria governing the development and offering of WI courses. The committee recommends curricular changes to the University’s writing-intensive requirement to the Faculty Senate.
  6. How Often The Committee Reports: The committee reports to the Faculty Senate at least once a year and at other times as necessary.
  7. Power Of The Committee To Act Without Faculty Senate Approval: The committee is empowered to advise the office of the University Writing Program as described in 4.D. above.
  8. Standard Meeting Time: The committee meeting time is scheduled for the second Monday of each month.